Monday, August 25, 2008

And Today Goes Down the Toilet in 3, 2, 1....

I wrote an e-mail to my roommate in response to her inquiry about my day. Then I realized it just about said it all:

God, I hate today. So far:

1. Had to sit through an hour and a half long meeting.
2. Students keep coming in looking for Computer Science Department (I work in the Dean's Office).
3. Call from a frantic mother because little Johnny is stuck in Cabo because of a hurricane.
4. Have to set up a meeting that I can't get a consensus on for a date.
5. Called Disneyworld to give airline info and find out final payment hasn't been received
6. Had an argument with The Boy over #5.
7. Got a letter from the credit card company stating the reason they raised my interest rate is because my balances have been too high for too long, so I'm an increased credit risk. Never mind that I always pay more than the minimum and pay it early.
8. Got a call from my boss while at I was at lunch that he couldn't get on a conference call. Got to the office 1/2 an hour after it was supposed to start and found out he'd had to push it to 3:45 because he couldn't dial in. Long story short, the instructions on how to dial in were in the details of his appointment on his calendar (I put them there 2 months ago thinking ahead) but neither one of us thought to look there.
9. Just really having a no good, very bad day.

The LAST thing I want to do right now is go to the gym, as I watch the minutes tick away to the time where I would need to change clothes in order to go right after work. But I know I have to. Which makes today worse.

I'm convinced that this is the price I'm required to pay for finding all those fabulous bargains at Macy's on Saturday. O fate, why do you mock me?

1 comment:

the queen said...

I hate those days. And then one day this week, I had:
1. A meeting canceled that I was late to anyway (Snow day!)
2. My clients liked my work
3. Someone paid me a compliment
4. The ac at work went out and they sent us home (Snow Day!)
5. I got to watch the DNC Roll Call and hear "Love Train"

Sometimes theres a good roll and things balance out.