Monday, March 9, 2009

My Budget's Tighter Than My Belt

OK, now is when being on such a tight budget is proving to be a challenge:

1. Back in December I said I'd go skydiving with a group (thinking it was the $199 price with a $20 discount). Unfortunately, the jump they chose is $299. I agreed to do this before the Great Budget Meltdown of 2009. I'm afraid that if I back out, I look like I'm too scared to go. It's not that. My goal is to get my credit cards paid off BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR. Throwing this on the credit card (because it's NOT in the budget) not only means that I won't be able to meet my timeline, but that I am charging more stuff, which is kind of antithetical to what I'm trying to accomplish.

2. Depeche Mode is touring and tickets go on sale this week. Argh! Given some time, I could have worked with my food budget and save enough for a ticket. As it stands, I don't have the scratch to pay cash. Again, it's trying to break myself of the "I really want it, so screw it and put it on the credit card and I'll deal with it later" mentality. But my Cod, I want to see them. I worship Dave Gahan on stage. I lost my virginity after their Rose Bowl show, for Chrissake!

I know that I am going to have to deny myself these (and various other) experiences in order to reach the greater fiscal goal. I'm not good at denying myself anything (we won't even get into the weight issue - that speaks volumes about my lack of self control). But each time I don't give in to temptation, I get stronger (at least that's what I tell myself).

What's that saying..."nothing tastes as good as thin feels?" Well, my new motto is, "nothing purchased feels as good as being debt free."

We'll work on the whole food thing later. One thing at a time....

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