Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Message on a Bottle

So, with all of the money turmoil, I've kind of been looking for some kind of sign. Something that would tell me that what I'm going through isn't for nothing.

And then I saw it. On a bottle. In Whole Foods.

One word - Believe. On a bottle of water. There were other words on other bottles - Love. Compassion. Peace. Was the universe now speaking to me through grocery products?

I couldn't resist. I took the Believe bottle off the shelf. State of Mind Water. I had never heard of it. So, I bought it. I mean, I drink water anyway...this couldn't hurt.

So I took that bottle to work and sat it on my desk. It became my work water bottle. And strangely enough, the more I looked at that one word - Believe - the more I started to actually do it. To believe that I would be OK. To believe that the money situation would work itself out. To believe that not only did I deserve more than I've gotten in the past 4.5 years, but that I would get it. Looking at that one word consistently started making a difference.

The company is all about positivity, believing in yourself, doing good for others. I like that. You can't say that about many capitalistic ventures anymore. But they seem like they're kind of in the same vein as Kashi or Reverb (and hey - I got a signed BNL guitar from Reverb, so they're pretty cool in my book). time you're thirsty, think about that message on a bottle. Couldn't hurt to give it a try. And if you get more than hydration out of it, all the better.

Oh, and the water tasted pretty good, too.

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