Monday, November 10, 2008

Getting Back on the Horse

Yes, I know I haven't posted in about a million years. As you can probably imagine, my heart's not been in it. Between the anniversary of Mom's death and The Big Breakup, I just haven't been able to face people, to the point where I haven't even gone to the movies or shopping. But, I'm coming back to the land of the living. I've decided that I've used up my allotted moping time and now I'm going to work on being human again. This includes:

1. Going out in public (even went to a bachelorette party on Saturday)
2. Getting back into an exercise routine (I'm starting Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred today, cod help me)
3. Caring about what I put in my body (I tend to punish myself with food when depressed). No more fast food, no more blocks of cheese, no more crap
4. Caring about myself (as in realizing that I DO matter, even if other people don't honor that)
5. Focusing on the positive (going to Disneyland on Thanksgiving Day, the BNL cruise in January, being happy every day that I don't have a class to attend, being thankful all my pets are alive and kicking, etc.)

Yeah, this is my rah rah post. I'm psyching myself up as much as I'm giving you an update. I'll be better about posting. I'm sure something interesting will happen soon, right?

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