Thursday, August 6, 2009

Julie and Julia and Rose

OK, first off – I LOVED Julie and Julia. LOVED IT. I really don’t care if the real Julie Powell threw around four-letter words on her blog and couldn’t cook worth a damn. I really don’t care if Julia Child was a spy who helped develop shark repellant. These aren’t relevant to the movie.

Newsflash: The movie is entertainment. And it does its job. I was entertained.

It also got me thinking. About blogging. See, the central premise of the movie is that Julie (Powell) finds direction in her life by taking on the task of cooking all 524 of Julia (Child’s) recipes in her landmark cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and blogging about the experience. Supposedly taking on this task with a 365 day deadline inspired Julie to find herself. And a book deal. And a movie deal. And another book deal.

So, I got to thinking – do I have to have a purpose in order for my own blog to be worthwhile? I already know that nobody reads it. I also know that I’m, shall we say, less than diligent about providing regular updates. But maybe that’s precisely because my blog doesn’t have a hook, a gimmick – it’s just me talking about me. And truthfully, I’m not that interesting, which doesn’t inspire me to write often.

But, a blog with a purpose – something specific to write about – that would force me to write, right?

Who the hell am I kidding? I’m not a writer. I’m just some poor slob (like so many others) who spews whatever comes into my head onto my keyboard. I have no lofty goals for this little patch of cyberspace. Besides, I’m commitment phobic. To make a grand statement and say, “I’m going to do this on a regular basis for this long” is just a joke. It’s like a shiny toy to pick up, turn over, and leave on the floor for the dog to start chewing on.

What’s my goal here? Is it to have a ton of readers? Someplace to vent? Attention? A book deal?

Nope, none of the above. Until I figure it out, my posts will probably be all over the place. Every writer is supposed to have a point of view. Except that I’m not a writer. I’m a schmuck who works for a state university whose budget has gone down the tubes and will now have two furlough days a month.

Hey, there’s a thought. Write about what I do on the furlough days. Yeah, like cleaning the house tomorrow and mystery shopping on Monday. Those are real attention grabbers. Next idea…

Single in the big city has been done. I don’t cook. I’m apolitical. I don’t have kids. I don’t work at Starbucks. As BNL says, “It’s all been done before.” So, I can either do it again, and probably not as well, or wait for inspiration to strike. Or just write a bunch of nonsense so I can call myself a blogger. Which is pretty much where I am currently.

As for finding meaning in my life? I’m probably more likely to find a $3 bill. But I’ll be here, chugging along, waiting for a revelation.

Oh, and if you go to the movie? Take really good snacks. No popcorn and M&Ms BS. Get thee to Whole Foods for some good soft cheese, some good bread, maybe a pastry or two…you will thank me later. It’s almost a participatory experience, like Rocky Horror. Eat your cheese during the scene where Julia introduces her sister to brie. It’s better than throwing toilet paper! And more personally satisfying, too.